A distributed computing model based on delegation of serverless microservices in a cloud-to-thing environment


  • Antonio Silva Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences
  • Paulo Mendes Airbus https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1059-8272
  • Denis Rosário Federal University of Pará
  • Eduardo Cerqueira Federal University of Pará https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2162-6523
  • João Paulo J. da Costa Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences
  • Edison P. de Freitas Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul




Cloud-to-thing, serverless, distributed computing


The cloud-to-thing is a crucial enabler of 5G and 6G networks as it supports the requirements of new services, such as latency and bandwidth-critical ones, using the available infrastructure. With the advent of new networks deployed beyond the edge, such as vehicular and satellite networks, researchers have begun investigating solutions to support the cloud-to-thing continuum, in which services distribute logic across the network, and storage is decentralized between cloud, fog, and edge. This article discusses current computing models, highlighting the advantages of serverless-based models for the deployment and management of interdependent distributed computing functions, whose behavior can be redefined in real time. Our study leads to the proposal of a new serverless-cloud-to-thing model able of delegating, executing and adapting serverless microservices in a cloud-to-thing continuum based on software-defined networking and information-centric networking concepts.


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How to Cite

Silva, A., Mendes, P., Rosário, D., Cerqueira, E., da Costa, J. P. J., & de Freitas, E. P. (2024). A distributed computing model based on delegation of serverless microservices in a cloud-to-thing environment. Journal of Internet Services and Applications, 15(1), 233–243. https://doi.org/10.5753/jisa.2024.3779



Research article