Recovery of the secret on Binary Ring-LWE problem using random known bits - Extended Version




Postquantum cryptography, Ring-LWE problem, Binary Ring-LWE problem, Internet of Things


There are cryptographic systems that are secure against attacks by both quantum and classical computers. Some of these systems are based on the Binary Ring-LWE problem which is presumed to be difficult to solve even on a quantum computer. This problem is considered secure for IoT (Internet of things) devices with limited resources. In Binary Ring-LWE, a polynomial a is selected randomly and a polynomial b is calculated as b = a.s + e where the secret s and the noise e are polynomials with binary coefficients. The polynomials b and a are public and the secret s is hard to find. However, there are Side Channel Attacks that can be applied to retrieve some coefficients (random known bits) of s and e. In this work, we analyze that the secret s can be retrieved successfully having at least 50% of random known bits of s and e.


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Author Biographies

Reynaldo Caceres Villena, Universidade de São Paulo

PhD student
at the Department of Computer Science, USP,
Brazil, received his MSc degree in Computer
Science from USP.

Routo Terada, Universidade de São Paulo

Professor at the Department
of Computer Science, University of São Paulo -
USP -, Brazil, MSc in Applied Math from USP
and PhD in Computer Science from University
of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.


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How to Cite

Villena, R. C., & Terada, R. (2024). Recovery of the secret on Binary Ring-LWE problem using random known bits - Extended Version. Journal of Internet Services and Applications, 15(1), 39–45.



Research article