OneTrack - An End2End approach to enhance MOT with Transformers




Multiple Object Tracking, transformers, efficent tracking, join detection and tracking, deep learning


This paper introduces OneTrack, an innovative end-to-end transformer-based model for Multiple Object Tracking (MOT), focusing on enhancing efficiency without significantly compromising accuracy. Addressing the challenges inherent in MOT, such as occlusions, varied object sizes, and motion prediction, OneTrack leverages the power of vision transformers and attention layers, optimizing them for real-time applications. Utilizing a unique Object Sequence Patch Input and a Vision Transformer Encoder, the model simplifies the standard transformer approach by employing only the encoder component, significantly reducing computational costs. This approach is validated using the MOT17 dataset, a benchmark in the field, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation against established metrics like MOTA, HOTA, and IDF1. The experimental results demonstrate OneTrack's capability to outperform other transformer-based models in inference speed, with a marginal trade-off in accuracy metrics. The model's inherent design limitations, such as a maximum of 100 objects per window, are adjustable to suit specific applications, offering flexibility in various scenarios. The conclusion highlights the model's potential as a lightweight solution for MOT tasks, suggesting future work directions that include exploring alternative data representations and encoders, and developing a dedicated loss function to further enhance detection and tracking capabilities. OneTrack presents a promising step towards efficient and effective MOT solutions, catering to the demands of real-time applications.


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How to Cite

Araujo, L., & Figueiredo, C. (2024). OneTrack - An End2End approach to enhance MOT with Transformers. Journal of Internet Services and Applications, 15(1), 302–312.



Research article