Dependable Microservices in the Kubernetes era: A Practitioners Survey
Microservices, Dependability, Faults, Failures, Countermeasure Techniques, TechnologiesAbstract
The microservices architectural style offers several advantages to software development, including independence among development teams, greater autonomy for developers, faster product development, and improved scalability. However, since the communication topology relies on distributed systems, faults become more frequent and harder to manage, posing challenges to reliability and availability, which are key attributes of business-critical services. To address these concerns, fault patterns, countermeasures, and technologies have been explored and implemented in both industry and academia to prevent, tolerate, mitigate, and predict faults in microservices. To understand current industry practices for achieving dependable microservices, we present the results of an opinion survey with microservice practitioners, aiming to identify the main fault and failure patterns, countermeasure techniques, supporting technologies, existing gaps, and the evolution of the field. We also provide a review of academic research in this area, examining the connections between industry practices and academic literature, highlighting key findings, challenges, and opportunities.
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