A Study of Heuristic Search Algorithms for Planning in Artificial Intelligence


  • Frederico Messa Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • André G. Pereira Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul


Artificial Intelligence, Planning, Memory-Restricted Algorithms, FOND Planning, Non-deterministic Planning, Heuristic Search


Planning is a long-standing area of Artificial Intelligence that aims to solve goal-directed tasks. Planning tasks have compact descriptions that generate exponentially larger state-spaces, and heuristic search algorithms are the most effective methods to solve them. In this work, we study heuristic search algorithms for planning tasks. First, we propose a hybrid memory-restricted heuristic search algorithm called PEA*+IDA* that outperforms algorithms of the same class. Second, we present a complete theoretical and experimental analysis of memory-restricted algorithms helping to better understand the landscape of this class of algorithms. Finally, we propose a new depth-first search algorithm for non-deterministic planning tasks that outperforms comparable algorithms.


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Como Citar

Messa, F., & G. Pereira, A. (2022). A Study of Heuristic Search Algorithms for Planning in Artificial Intelligence. Revista Eletrônica De Iniciação Científica Em Computação, 20(3). Recuperado de https://journals-sol.sbc.org.br/index.php/reic/article/view/2693



Edição Especial: CTIC/CSBC