The Future of AI Education: Public, Private or Institutional?


  • Itana Gimenes State University of Maringá
  • André C. P. L. F. de Carvalho University of São Paulo



Computer Education, Artificial Intelligence and Education, Computer Reference Curriculum


Brazilian higher education is guided by curriculum guidelines established by the Ministry of Education (MEC). Structured communities, such as the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) and the Federal Council of Engineering and Agronomy (CONFEA), can articulate the structuring of these guidelines, helping to standardize national curricula. Observing both the national and international scenario, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is part of the guidelines of the reference curricula. The AI ​​has as a starting point content present in the curricula of computer courses, as it includes computational thinking, programming languages, system building, electronics, robotics, database and the necessary mathematical basis. However, Artificial Intelligence education presents challenges to be overcome. Thus, this article is part of a larger context that was discussed in a panel of the CSBC-SECOMU 2020. This panel and the discussions related to educational training that were present at the CSBC and the WEI will form a baseline for SBC's decisions on the updating their reference curricula.


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Portal MEC, Resolução No. 5/2016, acesso em 08/10/2020.

SBC 2017. Referenciais de Formação para Cursos de Graduação em Computação. Disponível em: [link]. Acesso em 08 de nov. de 2017.

ACM Education Board. CC2020 Paradigms for Future Computing Curricula. Disponível em: [link]. Acesso em 08 de nov. de 2020.



How to Cite

Gimenes, I., & Carvalho, A. C. P. L. F. de. (2020). The Future of AI Education: Public, Private or Institutional?. Brazil Computing, (43), 31–34.


