#include <meninas.uff>: Deconstructing Stereotypes as a Tool for Empowering Women in Computer Science


  • Luciana Salgado Fluminense Federal University
  • Karin Calaza Fluminense Federal University
  • Iris Herdy Fluminense Federal University
  • Simone Martins Fluminense Federal University
  • Raissa Barcellos Fluminense Federal University
  • Meirylene Avelino Fluminense Federal University




Women in Computer Science, Women Empowerment


In a society full of socioeconomic inequalities and powerful forces that directly affect women, the deconstruction of stereotypes and education in information technology can open the doors for the empowerment of this group. This article shares actions of the extension project #include<meninas.uff> to promote gender equity in Computing.



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How to Cite

Salgado, L., Calaza, K., Herdy, I., Martins, S., Barcellos, R., & Avelino, M. (2022). #include &lt;meninas.uff&gt;: Deconstructing Stereotypes as a Tool for Empowering Women in Computer Science. Brazil Computing, (48), 34–37. https://doi.org/10.5753/compbr.2022.48.2755




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