Cybersecurity, Digital Compliance and Reputational Cost


  • Flúvio Cardinelle Oliveira Garcia Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná



Compliance, Laws, Cost of Reputation


Compliance is critical to ensuring organizations comply with laws and regulations in the digital environment. It addresses management, risks, and ethics for compliance issues. It involves adherence to national and international laws, principles, and regulations. Laws such as the Marco Civil da Internet and the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados define the users’ rights and the service providers’ obligations. Beyond imposing obligations on data processors and providing sanctions for non-compliance, guaranteeing rights such as privacy, freedom of expression, and personal data protection. Compliance is essential not only from a legal perspective but also to protect corporate reputation and public trust. In addition, cultural change and commitment from the entire organization are required for the success of the digital compliance program, which is viewed as an ongoing and adaptive process.


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How to Cite

Garcia, F. C. O. (2024). Cybersecurity, Digital Compliance and Reputational Cost. Brazil Computing, (52), 51–60.


