Enabling interdisciplinary cooperation in socio-environmental actions


  • Carlos de Oliveira Galvão Federal University of Campina Grande
  • Francisco Vilar Brasileiro Federal University of Campina Grande




Computational Grids, Scientific Workflows, Computing and the Environment


Socio-environmental projects require the participation of teams from different disciplines with their own cultures, methods and terminologies. Computing can promote the integration of these groups and promote more consistent and effective results.


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Walfredo Cirne, Francisco Vilar Brasileiro, Nazareno Andrade, Lauro Costa, Alisson Andrade, Reynaldo Novaes, Miranda Mowbray: Labs of the World, Unite!!! Journal of Grid Computing 4(3): 225-246 (2006).

Francisco V. Brasileiro, Giovanni Farias da Silva, Francisco Araujo, Marcos Nobrega, Igor Silva, Gustavo Rocha: Fogbow: A Middleware for the Federation of IaaS Clouds. CCGrid 2016: 531-534.



How to Cite

Galvão, C. de O., & Brasileiro, F. V. (2019). Enabling interdisciplinary cooperation in socio-environmental actions. Brazil Computing, (40), 28–31. https://doi.org/10.5753/compbr.2019.40.466


