Intelligent Vocational Guidance Based on Machine Learning Applied to POSCOMP Microdata
Vocational Guidance, Educational Data Analysis, Graduate Studies in Computer Science, Clustering Algorithms, Data MiningAbstract
The National Examination for Admission to Graduate Studies in Computing (POSCOMP) is applied by the Brazilian Society of Computing (SBC) to assess the knowledge of candidates to graduate programs in Computing in Brazil. As one of the main assessment instruments, the results of the POSCOMP exam, i.e., the database, have the potential to reveal relevant patterns about candidates. In this sense, this article aims to propose a clustering-based intelligent vocational guidance system from the exploratory analysis of the POSCOMP results between the years 2016 to 2019. This vocation system guides the candidate to follow a research area in post-graduation based on the performance obtained in the subjects of the test. The proposed approach aims to guide and support students in their academic decisions.
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