A Systematic Mapping Study about the Evaluation in Human-Computer Interaction of Assistive Technology Focused on People with Motor Disability
Evaluation methodologies, Software Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, Assistive Technologies, Motor disabilitiesAbstract
The Assistive Technology (AT) proposition for interaction with computers is still a big challenge, since the interaction devices need to be adapted to the user needs. This challenge is currently addressed by the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI), which explores the design, implementation and evaluation of interactive computer systems. A goal for evaluating assistive devices is to consider human factors. Thus, it will validate whether AT is actually targeted at the target audience. This work explores HCI evaluation methodologies for people with motor disabilities in the use of computers. To achieve this objective results from a systematic mapping study are discussed. More specifically, the ability of assessment methodologies to address aspects of Assistive Technology is investigated. Finally, a taxonomy is proposed to group the interaction devices used with assistive purpose and identified in this mapping.
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