A Comprehensive Review of User Interaction for Recommendation Systems





Recommendation systems, User behavior, User interaction, User feedback


In recent years, Recommendation Systems have become integral to the online experiences of consumers, particularly those that effectively integrate user interactions into their algorithms, enhancing both efficiency and adaptability. This article presents a comprehensive systematic review of the literature addressing classical problems in recommendation systems, specifically focusing on the consideration of user interaction. We employed a rigorous systematic literature review methodology, critically analyzing various proposals to identify their limitations, characteristics, and potential avenues for further research. Our investigation involved mapping relevant studies that examine how user interaction with recommendation systems is addressed and determining the extent to which this aspect has been explored. We established strict inclusion and exclusion criteria to select academic publications, resulting in a curated set of 29 scientific papers. The findings offer a snapshot of the primary characteristics of the identified works, revealing significant gaps that can inform future research directions. Our analysis indicates that most studies addressing user interaction emphasize preference elicitation and feedback mechanisms, predominantly focusing on improving the accuracy of recommendation rankings, with a notable concentration on the e-commerce domain.


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Author Biographies

Carina Friedrich Dorneles, Statistics and Informatics Department - Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)

Carina F. Dorneles is full professor at Santa Catarina Federal University (UFSC), at Department of Informatics and Statistics, since 2009, where she coordinates a research group that works on data extraction and document segmentation.

She develops research works on the topics of data extraction, dark data, data matching and similarity, expert recovery, machine learning for analysis of legal texts. She was Coordinator of the Database Steering Committee (2019-2020), member of the SBBD Steering Committee (2017-2021). At UFSC, she is president of the Scientific Production Committee of the Graduate Course in Computer Science (2011-2015 and 2021-current) and also the Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Computing (2015-2017). Duting 2012 and 2013, she was Research Promotion and Support Coordinator at the Dean of Research.

Dr. Carina received the B.S. in Computer Science from University of Passo Fundo, and the Master (1999) and the Ph.D. (2006) degrees in Computer Science from the University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In 2003, she held a visiting post (visiting student) in the University of Washington, Seattle, USA.

Marco Antonio Winckler, Department of Informatics at Polytech Nice, Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)

Marco A. Winckler is a full professor at the Université Côte d'Azur, where he is responsible for the track on HCI at the department of Informatics at Polytech Nice.

He develop his research at the laboratory I3S (UMR 6070) in Sophia Antipolis, France where he is member of the SPARKS team of the CNRS and the joint research project WIMMICS team of the INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée. He is also associated researcher of the ICS team (Interactive Critical Systems) of the laboratory IRIT (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse). Since 2020, he is joint-director of the SPARKS team at I3S. Before joining the Université Côte d'Azur in 2017, he was associated professor/Maître de Conférence (2005-2017) at the Université Paul Sabatier (France), working at the IUT de Tarbes (2005-2009) and at the FSI (from 2009-2017).

Dr. Wincker obtained the HDR at the Univerité Paul Sabatier (2016) and the PhD (2004) at the Université Capitole, both in Toulouse, France. He was post-doctoral fellow (2006-2007) at the Université catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. He hold a master degree in Computer Sciences (1999) from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Alexandra Martins, C., Friedrich Dorneles, C., & Antonio Winckler, M. (2024). A Comprehensive Review of User Interaction for Recommendation Systems. ISys - Brazilian Journal of Information Systems, 17(1), 14:1 – 14: 29. https://doi.org/10.5753/isys.2024.4064



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