Distributed Databases for Computer Applications: Study and Selection of Distributed Ledger Technologies





Distributed Ledger Technologies, Selection framework, Applications


Computer applications on distributed databases are always present in the digital society. An important issue is that these databases be secure, auditable, transparent, and scalable. This article has two objectives: (i) to provide a theoretical baseline on Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) for implementing distributed databases, and (ii) to propose a method for selecting the type of DLT platform for a target organization, called Método Ágil de Seleção (MAS). To this end, we initially investigate literature works and, subsequently, we derive the MAS. Furthermore, we demonstrate the applicability of MAS through a case study. Finally, general conclusions and future works close this article.



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How to Cite

Kleber da Silva Rodrigues, C. (2024). Distributed Databases for Computer Applications: Study and Selection of Distributed Ledger Technologies. ISys - Brazilian Journal of Information Systems, 17(1), 12:1 – 12:32. https://doi.org/10.5753/isys.2024.4384



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