Adopting Human-data Interaction Guidelines and Participatory Practices for Supporting Inexperienced Designers in Information Visualization Applications




Human-data interaction, Interaction design, Design process, Participatory design


Nowadays, voluminous data support may influence decision-making. People with varied profiles need to interact with data to gain valuable insights. There is a need for software tools to support the understanding and management of information to favor Human-Data Interaction (HDI) with a richer user experience. This study explores the combination of HDI design guidelines and participatory approaches to improve user experience in data interaction. We defined a design process to support the activities and adapted participatory practices to facilitate HDI design. We conducted workshops with inexperienced designers developing information visualization applications for common-sense domains. They generated and analyzed several application prototypes. Results suggest that design guidelines help generate HDI-based prototypes with a good user experience.


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How to Cite

Victorelli, E. Z., & Dos Reis, J. C. (2024). Adopting Human-data Interaction Guidelines and Participatory Practices for Supporting Inexperienced Designers in Information Visualization Applications. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 30(1), 35–54.


