VANETs’ research overview updated: past, present and future




Vehicular Ad hoc Networks, Survey, Vehicular Network, Applications, Future Research


The automotive industry has been undergoing significant changes, from electric and autonomous cars to the implementation of technologies for efficient and safe communication between vehicles. Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs), in synergy with the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence technologies, contribute to increasing the safety and efficiency of land transport systems, aiding in the reduction of environmental pollution, and providing multiple applications to users. This article offers a historical perspective of research in VANETs, analyzing about 600 articles published between 2007 and 2021 in important conferences and journals. A systematic methodology was adopted for the selection and analysis of the articles, focusing on criteria such as thematic relevance, research methodologies employed, and significant contributions to the field. The most promising areas, main tools, and methodologies used in the studies were identified. We detected trends in the topics addressed and their future perspectives. Additionally, a detailed discussion on the main research problems found and a comparison with other studies were carried out, highlighting gaps and persistent methodological flaws in research. Specific issues, such as the lack of standardization in simulation methodologies and the need for more realistic approaches, are emphasized. Finally, perspectives for future research in VANETs are explored, suggesting promising directions, such as the development of enhanced security protocols, integration with emerging cloud computing technologies, and exploration of new applications in smart urban scenarios.


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How to Cite

de Souza, J. A. R., Cavalcanti, E. R., Bezerra, T. de S., & Gomes, R. C. de M. (2024). VANETs’ research overview updated: past, present and future. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 30(1), 380–393.


