Advancing Electric Engineering Education through Immersive Virtual Reality: Deep Learning and Evolutionary Algorithms for Image Stitching and Rectification in Virtual Lab Environments
Virtual Reality, Image Stitching, Rectification Techniques, Immersive Learning, Virtual LabAbstract
Virtual Reality (VR) technology has emerged as a transformative tool in education, offering immersive and interactive experiences that enhance learning outcomes. This paper delves into the application of image stitching and rectification techniques to create a VR lab environment, specifically tailored for electrical engineering education. The importance of VR technology in education is explored, highlighting its role in promoting active learning and providing experiential learning opportunities. The primary emphasis of this Paper lies in the smooth incorporation of image stitching algorithms for the creation of panoramic perspectives, along with the implementation of rectification techniques to correct irregular borders within the stitched images. By utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Genetic Algorithms (GAs), the proposed approach optimizes the rectification process, resulting in visually cohesive representations. Demonstrating the utilization of the VR lab across a range of situations, such as examining power transfer and creating control panels for water pumps in irrigation initiatives, the immersive setting enables students to delve into intricate systems. The performance of the proposed method was evaluated using various metrics, including mean squared error, peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), structural similarity index (SSIM), and Fréchet inception distance (FID). the combination of deep learning algorithm specifically (CNN) and optimization algorithm specifically (Genetic algorithm (GA)) led to an increase in the accuracy of the rectified images where the average PSNR reached 23.98, SSIM was 0.8066, and FID was 18.72. Regarding the users’ opinion about the generated environment by stitching and rectifying images, participants demonstrated consistent positive sentiments, with mean scores ranging from 3.65 to 4.03, all above the scale midpoint, and moderate variability indicated by standard deviation values ranging from 1.070 to 1.251, suggesting general favorability with some variation in responses. This experience empowers the users to gain insights and cultivate essential problemsolving abilities at a heightened level. Collaborative learning is facilitated, enabling students to engage in collaborative projects regardless of their physical location. Through the synthesis of image processing techniques and VR technology, this research contributes to the enrichment of educational experiences and the advancement of electrical engineering education.
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