Cover and Frontmatter



Cover and Frontmatter - Volume 2 Issue 1


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Author Biography

Mirella M Moro, UFMG

Mirella M. Moro is an assistant professor at the Computer Science department at UFMG (Belo Horizonte, Brazil). She holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science (University of California Riverside - UCR, 2007), and MSc and BSc in Computer Science as well (UFRGS, Brazil, 2001, 1999). She is the Education Director of SBC (Brazilian Computer Society) and is the editor-in-chief of the new electronic magazine SBC Horizontes, which focuses on career in Computer Science. She is also a member of the ACM Education Council, ACM SIGMOD, ACM SIGCSE, ACM-W, IEEE, IEEE WIE, and MentorNet. Mirella has been working with research in Computer Science in the area of Databases since 1997. Her research interests include hybrid XML/relational modeling, XML query optimization, stream processing, content-based dissemination systems, temporal databases, versioning management, and schema evolution.




How to Cite

Laender, A. H. F., & Moro, M. M. (2011). Cover and Frontmatter. Journal of Information and Data Management, 2(1). Retrieved from



Cover and Frontmatter