Capturing Provenance from Deep Learning Applications Using Keras-Prov and Colab: a Practical Approach
Deep Learning, Metadata, ProvenanceAbstract
Due to the exploratory nature of DNNs, DL specialists often need to modify the input dataset, change a filter when preprocessing input data, or fine-tune the models’ hyperparameters, while analyzing the evolution of the training. However, the specialist may lose track of what hyperparameter configurations have been used and tuned if these data are not properly registered. Thus, these configurations must be tracked and made available for the user’s analysis. One way of doing this is to use provenance data derivation traces to help the hyperparameter’s fine-tuning by providing a global data picture with clear dependencies. Current provenance solutions present provenance data disconnected from W3C PROV recommendation, which is difficult to reproduce and compare to other provenance data. To help with these challenges, we present Keras-Prov, an extension to the Keras deep learning library to collect provenance data compliant with PROV. To show the flexibility of Keras-Prov, we extend a previous Keras-Prov demonstration paper with larger experiments using GPUs with the help of Google Colab. Despite the challenges of running a DBMS with virtual environments, DL analysis with provenance has added trust and persistence in databases and PROV serializations. Experiments show Keras-Prov data analysis, during training execution, to support hyperparameter fine-tuning decisions, favoring the comparison, and reproducibility of such DL experiments. Keras-Prov is open source and can be downloaded from
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