Biophysical Chemistry of Macromolecules Research Group at the State University of Maringá


  • Diego de Souza Lima Universidade Estadual de Maringá
  • Gisele Strieder Philippsen Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Elisangela Andrade Ângelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Paraná
  • Maria Aparecida Fernandez Universidade Estadual de Maringá
  • Flavio Augusto Vicente Seixas Universidade Estadual de Maringá



Bioinformatics, Machine learning, Molecular docking, Molecular dynamics, Virtual screening


The interdisciplinary field of Biophysical Chemistry, which applies concepts from Physical Chemistry to describe biological phenomena, is essential for modern molecular biology advancements. This approach enables the description of biological systems in terms of their constituent parts, such as atoms and molecules, facilitating a structural understanding of their characteristics. Nonetheless, to describe such large systems, computational methods are needed. The Biophysical Chemistry of Macromolecules research group at the State University of Maringá is dedicated to investigating such systems, mainly protein-ligand complexes, through bioinformatics approaches combined with experimental techniques to validate in silico results. The main purpose of the research projects is to develop applications for drug discovery in the context of antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, and antihyperglycemic agents, with the aim of advancing the field of bioinformatics in Brazil.


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Homem, D. P., Flores Jr., R., Tosqui, P., Rozada, T. C., Basso, E. A., Gasparotto Junior, A., and Seixas, F. A. V. Homology modelling of dihydrofolate reductase from T. gondii bonded to antagonists: molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations. Molecular BioSystems 9 (6): 1308–1315, 2013.

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Kato-Schwartz, C. G., Corrêa, R. C. G., de Souza Lima, D., de Sá-Nakanishi, A. B., de Almeida Gonçalves, G., Seixas, F. A. V., Haminiuk, C. W. I., Barros, L., Ferreira, I. C. F. R., Bracht, A., and Peralta, R. M. Potential anti-diabetic properties of Merlot grape pomace extract: An in vitro, in silico and in vivo study of α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibition. Food Research International 137: 109462, 2020.

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Bagatin, M. C., Rozada, A. M. F., Rodrigues, F. A. V., Bueno, P. S. A., Santos, J. L., Canduri, F., Kioshima, E. S., Seixas, F. A. V., Basso, E. A., and Gauze, G. F. New 4-methoxy-naphthalene derivatives as promisor antifungal agents for paracoccidioidomycosis treatment. Future Microbiology 14 (3): 235–245, 2019.

Rodrigues-Vendramini, F. A. V., Marschalk, C., Toplak, M., Macheroux, P., Bonfim-Mendonça, P. de S., Svidzinski, T. I. E., Seixas, F. A. V., and Kioshima, E. S. Promising New Antifungal Treatment Targeting Chorismate Synthase from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 63 (1), 2019.

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How to Cite

de Souza Lima, D., Strieder Philippsen, G., Andrade Ângelo, E., Fernandez, M. A., & Seixas, F. A. V. (2024). Biophysical Chemistry of Macromolecules Research Group at the State University of Maringá. Journal of Information and Data Management, 15(1), 103–111.



Brazilian Bioinformatics Research Groups