Sentence-ITDL: Generating POI type Embeddings based on Variable Length Sentences


  • Salatiel Dantas Silva Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
  • Cláudio Campelo Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
  • Maxwell Guimarães de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Campina Grande



Points of Interest, Machine Learning, Similarity, Geo-Semantics, Vector Embeddings


Point of Interest (POI) types are one of the most researched aspects of urban data. Developing new methods capable of capturing the semantics and similarity of POI types enables the creation of computational mechanisms that may assist in many tasks, such as POI recommendation and Urban Planning. Several works have successfully modeled POI types considering POI co-occurrences in different spatial regions along with statistical models based on the Word2Vec technique from Natural Language Processing (NLP). In the state-of-the-art, binary relations between each POI in a region indicate the co-occurrences. The relations are used to generate a set of two-word sentences using the POI types. Such sentences feed a Word2Vec model that produces POI type embeddings. Although these works have presented good results, they do not consider the spatial distance among related POIs as a feature to represent POI types. In this context, we present the Sentence-ITDL, an approach based on Word2Vec variable length sentences that include such a distance to generate POI type embeddings, providing an improved POI type representation. Our approach uses the distance to generate Word2Vec variable-length sentences. We define ranges of distances mapped to word positions in a sentence. From the mapping, nearby will have their types mapped to close positions in the sentences.Word2Vec's architecture uses the word position in a sentence to adjust the training weights of each POI type. In this manner, POI type embeddings can incorporate the distance. Experiments based on similarity assessments between POI types revealed that our representation provides values close to human judgment.


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How to Cite

Dantas Silva, S., E. C. Campelo, C., & Guimarães de Oliveira, M. (2024). Sentence-ITDL: Generating POI type Embeddings based on Variable Length Sentences. Journal of Information and Data Management, 15(1), 276–284.



GEOINFO 2022 - Extended Papers