The Impact of Representation Learning on Unsupervised Graph Neural Networks for One-Class Recommendation


  • Marcos Paulo Silva Gôlo University of São Paulo
  • Leonardo Gonçalves de Moraes University of São Paulo
  • Rudinei Goularte University of São Paulo
  • Ricardo Marcondes Marcacini University of São Paulo



One-Class Learning, Recommender Systems, Graph Neural Networks, Link Prediction, One-Class Explainability, Graph Explainability


We present a Graph Neural Network (GNN) using link prediction for One-class Recommendation. Traditional recommender systems require positive and negative interactions to recommend items to users, but negative interactions are scarce, making it challenging to cover the scope of non-recommendations. Our proposed approach explores One-Class Learning (OCL) to overcome this limitation by using only one class (positive interactions) to train and predict whether or not a new example belongs to the training class in enriched heterogeneous graphs. The paper also proposes an explainability model and performs a qualitative evaluation through the TSNE algorithm in the learned embeddings. The methods' analysis in a two-dimensional projection showed our enriched graph neural network proposal was the only one that could separate the representations of users and items. Moreover, the proposed explainability method showed the user nodes connected with the predicted item are the most important to recommend this item to another user. Another conclusion from the experiments is that the added nodes to enrich the graph also impact the recommendation.


Author Biography

Marcos Paulo Silva Gôlo, University of São Paulo

Possui graduação em Sistemas de Informação pela Universidade Federal De Mato Grosso Do Sul campus de Três Lagoas com ênfase em Inteligência Artificial. É aluno de mestrado em Ciências de Computação e Matemática Computacional pelo Instituto de Ciências de Computação e Matemática Computacional da Universidade de São Paulo em São Carlos na linha de pesquisa de Inteligência Artificial e já foi aprovado na defesa de qualificação. Tem interesse na área de one-class classification para textos.


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How to Cite

Paulo Silva Gôlo, M., Gonçalves de Moraes, L., Goularte, R., & Marcondes Marcacini, R. (2024). The Impact of Representation Learning on Unsupervised Graph Neural Networks for One-Class Recommendation. Journal of Information and Data Management, 15(1), 112–122.



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