Machine Learning Model Explainability supported by Data Explainability: a Provenance-Based Approach


  • Rosana Leandro de Oliveira Instituto Militar de Engenharia | Centro de Análises de Sistemas Navais
  • Julio Cesar Duarte Instituto Militar de Engenharia
  • Kelli de Faria Cordeiro Instituto Militar de Engenharia | Ministério da Defesa



Data Pre-Procesing, Machine Learning, Data Provenance, Explainability


The task of explaining the result of Machine Learning (ML) predictive models has become critically important nowadays, given the necessity to improve the results' reliability. Several techniques have been used to explain the prediction of ML models, and some research works explore the use of data provenance in ML cycle phases. However, there is a gap in relating the provenance data with model explainability provided by Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques. To address this issue, this work presents an approach to capture provenance data, mainly in the pre-processing phase, and relate it to the results of explainability techniques. To support that, a relational data model was also proposed and is the basis for our concept of data explainability. Furthermore, a graphic visualization was developed to better present the improved technique. The experiments' results showed that the improvement of the ML explainability techniques was reached mainly by the understanding of the attributes' derivation, which built the model, enabled by data explainability.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira, R. L., Duarte, J. C., & de Faria Cordeiro, K. (2024). Machine Learning Model Explainability supported by Data Explainability: a Provenance-Based Approach. Journal of Information and Data Management, 15(1), 93–102.



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