Two Meta-learning approaches for noise filter algorithm recommendation


  • Pedro B. Pio University of Brasilia
  • Adriano Rivolli Federal University of Technology – Paraná, Brazil (UTFPR)
  • André C. P. L. F. de Carvalho University of São Paulo
  • Luís P. F. Garcia University of Brasilia



Meta-Learning, Noise Detection, Preprocessing, Machine Learning, Algorithm Recommendation, Ranking


Preprocessing techniques can increase the predictive performance, or even allow the use, of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. This occurs because many of these techniques can improve the quality of a dataset, such as noise removal or filtering. However, it is not simple to identify which preprocessing techniques to apply to a given dataset. This work presents two approaches to recommend a noise filtering technique using meta-learning. Meta-learning is an automated machine learning (AutoML) method that can, based on a set of features extracted from a dataset, induce a meta-model able to predict the most suitable technique to be applied to a new dataset. The first approach returns a ranking of the noise filter techniques using regression models. The second sequentially applies multiple meta-models, to decide the most suitable noise filter technique for a particular dataset. For both approaches we extract the meta-features from use synthetics datasets and use as meta-label the f1-score value obtained by different ML algorithms when applied to these datasets. For the experiments, eight noise filtering techniques were used. The experimental results indicated that the rank approach acquired higher performance gain than the baseline, while the second obtained higher predictive performance. The ranking based approach also ranked the best algorithm in the top-3 positions with high predictive accuracy.


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How to Cite

B. Pio, P., Rivolli, A., C. P. L. F. de Carvalho, A., & P. F. Garcia, L. (2024). Two Meta-learning approaches for noise filter algorithm recommendation. Journal of Information and Data Management, 15(1), 132–141.



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