A Robust Measure for Evaluating Representativeness of Summarized Trajectories with Multiple Aspects


  • Vanessa Lago Machado Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Instituto Federal Sul-Rio-Grandense (IFSUL)
  • Tarlis Tortelli Portela Instituto Federal do Paraná (IFPR)
  • Lucas Vanini Instituto Federal Sul-Rio-Grandense (IFSUL)
  • Chiara Renso Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) -ISTI
  • Ronaldo dos Santos Mello Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)




Multiple aspect trajectory, representative trajectory, trajectory similarity, representativeness measure


As trajectory datasets grow larger, summarization techniques become increasingly important. However, current methods often lack a suitable measure of representativeness, making evaluation a complex task. This is especially true in the context of multi-aspect trajectories, where evaluating summarization techniques is particularly challenging. To address this, we have developed a novel representativeness measure called RMMAT. This innovative method combines similarity metrics and covered information, offering adaptability to diverse data and analysis needs. With RMMAT, evaluating summarization techniques is simplified, and deeper insights can be gained from extensive trajectory data. Our evaluation of real-world trajectory datasets demonstrates that RMMAT is a robust Representativeness Measure for Summarized Trajectories with Multiple Aspects. This measure could help researchers and analysts to evaluate and empower them to make informed decisions about the quality and relevance of representative data for their analytical goals.


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How to Cite

Lago Machado, V., Tortelli Portela, T., Vanini, L., Renso, C., & dos Santos Mello, R. (2025). A Robust Measure for Evaluating Representativeness of Summarized Trajectories with Multiple Aspects. Journal of Information and Data Management, 16(1), 28–37. https://doi.org/10.5753/jidm.2025.4082



GEOINFO 2023 - Extended Papers