Agile software development: 15 years of the agile manifesto
Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development welcomes submissions to the thematic series on "15 Years of agile software development".
Early research on agile development focused on issues related to the adoption of agile methods [2] as well as the effectiveness of pairs in relation to individuals [9] in software development [4]. Many of those early studies focused on the investigation of team dynamics, e.g., trust, self-organization, and communication [7]; consequences of test-driven development [5]; adoption [6] and post-adoption[3] issues; as well as challenges of implementing agile in distributed settings [8].
More recently, we have seen research in agile software development and practice mature. This has been witnessed by the higher number of journal publications which emphasize empirical methods, and drawing on the theoretical discourse of more mature research fields [1].
The aim of this thematic series is to draw attention to the mature state of agile empirical research as well as to investigate new venues, in combination with other research areas that may help broaden our understanding of the myriad implications of agile software development.
Potential topics include but are not limited to:
- Adoption of Agile / Lean
- Agile / Lean in Distributed Environments and Large Teams
- Agile in Government
- Agile Practices and Future Trends, Evolution and Revolution (Technical or Managerial)
- Agile Principles, Lean Manufacturing and Other Disciplines
- Agile Project Management, Outsourcing and Governance in the Agile Context
- Agile Testing & Quality: Techniques, Patterns and Automated Support
- Conceptual Studies and Theoretical Foundations of Agile / Lean
- Development in Distributed and Global Agile Teams
- DevOps and Continuous Delivery
- Experimental Studies with Agile / Lean
- Human and Social Aspects in Agile Methods
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship Agile
- Lean Startups
- Managing Technical Debt
- Metrics, Measurements and Mining Repositories in the Context of Agile
- Organizational Transformation and Cultural Aspects on Agile Business
- Patterns and Anti-patterns applying Agile / Lean
- Refactoring Issues
- Scaling Agile to Large Corporations
- Systems and Software Architecture and Development of Critical Systems
- Teaching and Coaching Agile and Lean
- Tools and Techniques on Agile / Lean
- User Experience (UX) Environments on Agile / Lean
- User Roles (co-participation)
Submission Instructions
Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have carefully read the submission guidelines for Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development. The complete manuscript should be submitted through the Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development submission system. To ensure that you submit to the correct thematic series please select the appropriate thematic series in the drop-down menu upon submission. In addition, indicate within your cover letter that you wish your manuscript to be considered as part of the thematic series on "15 Years of agile software development". All submissions will undergo rigorous peer review and accepted articles will be published within the journal as a collection.
Deadline for submissions: 20 February 2018
Accepted papers:
- Back to the future: origins and directions of the “Agile Manifesto” – views of the originators, by Hohl et al.
- Working software over comprehensive documentation – Rationales of agile teams for artefacts usage, by Wagenaar et al.
- A measurement model to analyze the effect of agile enterprise architecture on geographically distributed agile development, by Alzoubi et al.
- An approach for applying Test-Driven Development (TDD) in the development of randomized algorithms, by Ivo et al.
- On the benefits and challenges of using kanban in software engineering: a structured synthesis study, by dos Santos et al.
Guest Editors
Tiago Silva da Silva, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brazil
Alfredo Goldman, University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil
Frank Maurer, University of Calgary, Canada
Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa, PUC-Rio, Brazil