EVEREST: An Automatic Model-Based Testing Tool for Asynchronous Reactive Systems





Model-based testing, conformance checking, test generation, reactive systems, automatic tool


Reactive systems are characterized by their interaction with the environment, where the exchange of the input and output stimuli, usually, occurs asynchronously. Systems of this nature, in general, require a rigorous testing activity in the development process.Thereforemodel­basedtestinghasbeensuccessfullyappliedoverasynchronousreactive systems using Input Output Labeled Transition System (IOLTS) as the basis. In this work, we present are active testing tool to check conformance, generate test suites, and run test cases using IOLTS models. Our tool can check whether the behavior of an implementation under test (IUT) complies with the behavior of its respective specification. We have implemented two conformance relations in our tool: the classical ioco relation; and the conformance based on regular languages. The tool also provides a test suite generation in a black­box testing setting for finding faults over IUTs according to a specific domain. In addition, we describe some case studies to probe the tool’s functionalities and also give a comparative analysis. Finally, we offer practical experiments to evaluate the performance of our tool using several scenarios.


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How to Cite

Bonifacio, A. L., & Gomes, C. S. (2021). EVEREST: An Automatic Model-Based Testing Tool for Asynchronous Reactive Systems. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development, 9(1), 6:1 – 6:14. https://doi.org/10.5753/jserd.2021.1094



Research Article