Reducing Manual Efforts in Equivalence Analysis in Mutation Testing




mutation testing, equivalent mutant, automated testing


Mutation testing has attracted a lot of interest because of its reputation as a powerful adequacy criterion for test suites and for its ability to guide test case generation. However, the presence of equivalent mutants hinders its usage in industry. The Equivalent Mutant Problem has already been proven undecidable, but manually detecting equivalent mutants is an error-prone and time-consuming task. Thus, solutions, even partial, can help reduce this cost. To minimize this problem, we introduce an approach to suggest equivalent mutants. Our approach is based on automated behavioral testing, which consists of test cases based on the behavior of the original program. We perform static analysis to automatically generate tests for the entities impacted by the mutation. For each mutant analyzed, our approach can suggest the mutant as equivalent or non-equivalent. In the case of non-equivalent mutants, our approach provides a test case capable of killing it. For the equivalent mutants suggested, we also provide a ranking of mutants with a strong or weak chance of the mutant being indeed equivalent. In our previous work, we evaluated our approach against a set of 1,542 mutants manually classified in previous work as equivalents and non-equivalents. We noticed that the approach effectively suggests equivalent mutants, reaching more than 96% of accuracy in five out of eight subjects studied. Compared with manual analysis of the surviving mutants, our approach takes a third of the time to suggest equivalents and is 25 times faster to indicate non-equivalents. This extended article delves deeper into our evaluation. Our focus is on discerning the specific characteristics of mutants that our approach erroneously classified as equivalent, thereby producing false positives. Furthermore, our investigation delves into a comprehensive analysis of the mutation operators, providing essential insights for practitioners seeking to improve the accuracy of equivalent mutant detection and effectively mitigate associated costs.



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How to Cite

Amorim, S., Fernandes, L., Ribeiro, M., Gheyi, R., Delamaro, M., Guimarães, M., & Santos, A. (2024). Reducing Manual Efforts in Equivalence Analysis in Mutation Testing. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development, 12(1), 3:1 – 3:17.



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