ADoTe: Approach to teaching and learning functional testing technique criteria supported by Testing Dojo
Software Engineering Education, Software Testing, Functional Testing Criteria, Testing DojoAbstract
Context: Students of computer science and related courses (including those who have already graduated) often have knowledge gaps on software testing and low levels of motivation and interest in learning this subject. Functional testing technique criteria, for example, are usually required and used in industry, but their teaching still needs support. Faced with the problems caused by such gaps and a historical shortage of qualified testing professionals, improvements in testing education are demanded by the industry for the academy. Dojos may contribute in this context since positive results are usually reported regarding their impact on the motivation and perception of learning of students. However, their use is still little explored in the testing area. Objective: In this study we aimed to define and evaluate an approach supported by testing dojo to teaching and learning functional testing technique criteria in higher education. Methods: We defined the approach (named ADoTe) iteratively, supported by literature data and by quali-quantitative analysis of the results of two executions of a controlled experiment that evaluated the impact of ADoTe (compared to a traditional teaching approach) on the learning (measured by knowledge tests) and motivation (measured by a questionnaire named Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI)) of students. Results: From the analysis of data collected from 44 participants we noticed that, although the averages for learning and general motivation of the groups submitted to ADoTe were greater than those of the groups submitted to a traditional teaching approach, it was not possible to state that, for these variables, there was a statistically significant difference between the approaches evaluated. However, the results of the IMI subscale related to intrinsic motivation were statistically significant, indicating that students feel more interest/enjoyment in learning functional testing technique criteria through ADoTe (the averages of the groups submitted to ADoTe were 15.80% and 19.71% higher than those of the control groups). Additionally, the results of thematic analyses carried out on the answers to a retrospective questionnaire showed that ADoTe was well accepted by students and reinforced the importance of its steps and guidelines. Conclusion: ADoTe positively impacts the learning and motivation of students and, compared to traditional teaching, tends to lead to greater levels of interest/enjoyment in learning functional testing technique criteria.
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