A multi-objective test data generation approach for mutation testing of feature models


  • Rui A. Matnei Filho Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Computer Science Department, Curitiba, 19081, CEP: 81531-970, PR, Brazil
  • Silvia R. Vergilio Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Computer Science Department, Curitiba, 19081, CEP: 81531-970, PR, Brazil


Mutation testing, Multi-objective optimization, Software product line



Mutation approaches have been recently applied for feature testing of Software Product Lines (SPLs). The idea is to select products, associated to mutation operators that describe possible faults in the Feature Model (FM). In this way, the operators and mutation score can be used to evaluate and generate a test set, that is a set of SPL products to be tested. However, the generation of test sets to kill all the mutants with a reduced, possible minimum, number of products is a complex task.;


To help in this task, in a previous work, we introduced a multi-objective approach that includes a representation to the problem, search operators, and two objectives related to the number of test cases and dead mutants. The proposed approach was implemented and evaluated with three representative multi-objective and evolutionary algorithms: NSGA-II, SPEA2 and IBEA, and obtained promising results. Now in the present paper we extend such an approach to include a third objective: the pairwise coverage. The goal 4 is to reveal other kind of faults not revealed by mutation testing and to improve the efficacy of the generated test sets.;



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How to Cite

Matnei Filho, R. A., & Vergilio, S. R. (2016). A multi-objective test data generation approach for mutation testing of feature models. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development, 4, 4:1 – 4:29. Retrieved from https://journals-sol.sbc.org.br/index.php/jserd/article/view/426



Research Article