The Most In-Demand Soft Skills for QA Professionals in Brazil




Quality assurance, Software testing, Soft skill, Job Advertisement, Exploratory study, Human aspects of software engineering, Expectations of the software industry


Background: Software quality assurance (QA) is carried out in tandem with software development. Essentially, QA activities are conducted in hopes of assessing the extent to which a software product aligns with predefined requirements. Although QA includes highly technical tasks, much like software development, it remains largely a human-centered endeavor. Consequently, soft skills can play a significant role in contributing to the success of a project and product quality, as well as boosting the productivity of QA professionals. Aim: Our objective is to investigate: (i) the most sought-after soft skills for QA professionals, (ii) potential correlations among these in-demand soft skills, (iii) variations in soft skill requirements based on the seniority level of positions, and (iv) potential differences in soft skills expectations according to the size of the hiring companies. Our analysis is centered around organizations in Brazil. Method: We looked for soft skills in 2,164 job advertisements from Brazilian companies. Our data extraction process followed an inductive, data-driven approach that included both manual and automated steps. Results: approximately 91% of the job advertisements list at least one soft skill. We identified 32 soft skills in our study, with five soft skills standing out as the most sought-after among them: communication-related skills, planning, innovation, collaboration, and written communication. Notably, companies of various sizes consistently prioritize communication-related and planning skills, deeming them crucial for QA professionals. Conclusions: Our findings underscore the critical importance of five soft skills: communication-related skills, planning, innovation, collaboration, and written communication. The results of our study hold potential value for QA professionals in Brazil seeking to enhance their employability and provide insights to those tasked with staffing, curriculum design, and professional development.


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How to Cite

Durelli, V. H. S., Lancetti, W., Endo, A. T., & Ferrari, F. C. (2024). The Most In-Demand Soft Skills for QA Professionals in Brazil. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development, 12(1), 15:1 – 15:13.



Research Article