A Requirements engineering process for a quality model in Cuba


  • Yoandy Lazo Centro Nacional de Calidad de Software
  • leanet tamayo Centro Nacional de Calidad de Software
  • Odannis Enamorado Centro Nacional de Calidad de Software
  • Kariné Ramos ALLOY - Digital Product Development and Marketing Technology




requirement, requirements engineering, software, process


A high percentage of projects worldwide fail or are canceled due to incorrect requirements engineering. Incorporating good practices into this process provides the appropriate mechanism to understand and analyze what stakeholders want and need. It also allows to evaluate and negotiate a reasonable solution, specify, validate and manage the requirements as they are transformed into a functional system. The objective of this research is to elaborate a process of Requirements Engineering for the Quality Model for Software Development that contributes to raise the percentage of successful projects, in Cuban´s software development organizations, regarding the fulfillment of the agreed requirements. The solution proposal contains specific requirements and support elements (graphic and textual description of the process), divided by the three levels of maturity proposed by the Model. In order to reach the proposed goal, a bibliographic review was made on the requirements engineering discipline, as well as interviews and surveys to roles related to this activity in the software development organizations of Cuba. The solution was evaluated by experts in a focus group and put into practice, as a pilot, in three organizations, it was also measured the satisfaction of the users who used it using the Iadov technique.


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How to Cite

Lazo, Y., tamayo, leanet, Enamorado, O., & Ramos, K. (2020). A Requirements engineering process for a quality model in Cuba. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development, 8, 2:1 – 2:16. https://doi.org/10.5753/jserd.2020.459



Research Article