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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The submitted papers must meet all the conditions described below to be sent to the reviewers. Failure to comply with one or more of the items below will invalidate the submission.  

  • The paper must be from Computer Science.
  • The paper must be written exclusively in Portuguese or English.
  • The paper must be sent in a PDF file.
  • The paper must have all the authors identified both in the PDF and in the submission system metadata, and strictly in the same order.
  • The paper must contain a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of eight (8) pages, except for references. The paper may contain as many reference pages as the authors deem necessary.
  • The submission format is the Brazilian Computer Society (access the link for the model here).
  • The paper must be written by one or more undergraduate students, guided by a professor (a) advisor, responsible for coordinating the research carried out, and which must also be included in the list of authors. The paper may have as co-authors other students (for example, master's or doctorate) who have contributed to the research, noting that undergraduate students must be the main drivers of the work reported in the article.
  • The "Comments to the Editor" field must contain (i) identification of the type of undergraduate work (eg, scientific initiation scholarship, course completion work, etc.) and the date; (ii) identification of students and advisors and their respective degrees and institutions. See the example below:

Authors: Juliana da Silva (1) graduate student; José de Castro (2); master's student; Maria de Fátima (3) advisor, Dr.

Affiliation: (1 and 3): Federal University of Spherical Earth, Porto de Janeiro, BR; (2): Evolutionary State University, Rio Alegre, BR.

Work Statement: The paper is based on the graduation work of Juliana da Silva, carried out in Fall 2020, when she was doing the eighth period of the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science at the Federal University of Terra Esférica (IC fellow at the CNPq, process number 01 / 23456-78). José de Castro also participated in the research as a master's student, both supervised by Profa. Dr. Maria de Fátima.

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