Autonomous Management of an Agriculture Using Multiagent System in an IoT Architecture


  • Maria Alice Trinta CEFET
  • Fabian Cesar
  • Carlos Eduardo Pantoja


Water is a vital and finite resource that has been used in an unbridled way by numerous sectors of society; An example of that is the agricultural sector needing increasingly solutions that make the consumption of resources more sustainable. However, most proposals do not offer hardware-level autonomy, which can delay and turn crop management inaccurate. Therefore, this work aims to present a solution through devices composed of sensors, actuators, and an embedded SMA capable of performing autonomous control of a crop. Inserted in a system that allows connection to an IoT network, the devices will share data and be controlled through a WEB page.


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How to Cite

Trinta, M. A., Cesar, F., & Pantoja, C. E. (2021). Autonomous Management of an Agriculture Using Multiagent System in an IoT Architecture. Eletronic Journal of Undergraduate Research on Computing, 19(1). Retrieved from



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