Uma Análise Experimental de Técnicas de Hashing em Dispositivos IoT para Soluções de Segurança



Iot, Hashing, Segurança


The evolution of micro-controllers has enabled the diffusion of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices in any kind of environment. However, those devices still lack security solutions, once it has lower computational resources, hampering the applying of techniques, for example, Hashing algorithms. In this context, this paper aims to identify the viability of Hashing techniques in IoT devices to increase the reliability and evolve the security level, such as the do not burden the limited resources which are already limited. This identification was realized through real experimentation with two IoT devices (ESP8266, and ESP32) and an analysis of collected data. These experiments were realized the hashing algorithm in security solutions: SHA2-256, SHA2-512, SHA3-256, SHA3-512 e Blake2B-512. Through the experiments realized it was possible to identify the applicability limit of these hashing techniques to support security solutions when IoT devices are considered.


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How to Cite

Pimentel Mosca, E. E., & Lopes Gomes, R. (2023). Uma Análise Experimental de Técnicas de Hashing em Dispositivos IoT para Soluções de Segurança. Eletronic Journal of Undergraduate Research on Computing, 21(1). Retrieved from



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