Combining complementary diversification models for personalized point-of-interest recommendations


  • Heitor Werneck DCOMP/UFSJ
  • Nícollas Silva DCC/UFMG
  • Leonardo Rocha DCOMP/UFSJ


Recommender systems, Point-of-interest, Personalization, Systematic mapping, Framework


Nowadays, Location-Based Social Networks (LBSNs) have become an important tool to help people explore new places -- a.k.a., points of interest (POIs). In this sense, this work: (1) performs a systematic mapping of the most recent approaches applied in LBSN; (2) presents a solution to the traditional accuracy-diversity trade-off of any recommender; and (3) provides such a solution through a reproducible package that also includes all the systematic mapping tools and several models of recommendation of POIs. Our solution is named DisCovER and it becomes a new benchmark for the scenario as it outperforms all state-of-the-art methods.


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How to Cite

Werneck, H., Silva, N., & Rocha, L. (2022). Combining complementary diversification models for personalized point-of-interest recommendations. Eletronic Journal of Undergraduate Research on Computing, 20(3). Retrieved from



Special Issue: CTIC/CSBC