Pattern analysis based acoustic signal for trigger detection


  • Marco Antonio Santos Fernandes FEI
  • Estela Ribeiro FEI
  • Carlos Eduardo Thomaz FEI


music information retrieval, acoustic signals processing, musical genres, data-set


This work analyzes in detail an international public database of musical audios about the acoustic features present in the existing samples. A total of one thousand audios classified in ten musical genres were analyzed in relation to their acoustic characteristics to look for patterns in the triggers present in the samples of each musical genre and the amount of these for application in subsequent studies of brain activations generated by listening to these songs. The results show that among the ten musical genres present in the audio database, two of these (Disco and Metal) do not have enough triggers for such an application.


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How to Cite

Santos Fernandes, M. A., Ribeiro, E., & Thomaz, C. E. (2022). Pattern analysis based acoustic signal for trigger detection. Eletronic Journal of Undergraduate Research on Computing, 20(4). Retrieved from