Machine learning model for classifying popular music genres from the international legal Amazon region
music information retrieval, machine learning, musical genres, data-set, computer musicAbstract
The musical preference of today’s society presents a continuous appreciation for international musical genres at the preconception of national or local ones. Music is one of the most used means of communication for the facilitation and ergonomics in the organization of the social structure, influencing the lifestyle, tastes and interpersonal coexistence. Several applications with musical concept within several tools use music classifiers. This current work presents a machine learning model of automatic classification of popular Amazonian music genres. Introducing the new version, the database contains the popular musical genres: andean, brega, carimb ́o, cumbia, merengue, pasillo, salsa and vaqueirada, from the region of the Legal Amazon International. The created database has 125 tracks for each rhythm with 788 parameters. These parameters were extracted in three temporal versions: beginning, middle and end of the song. For tests, the accuracy of the KNN, SVC, MLP and XGB models was analyzed, obtaining 57.58%, 56.79%, 61.33%, 61.17%, respectively. Concluding that the support vector machine (SVC) model presented the best robustness for the scenarios used.
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