HyperPaxos in Multiple Instances over LibPaxos: A Hierarchical Version of the Paxos Consensus Algorithm


  • Djenifer R. Pereira Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Fernando M. Kiotheka Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Elias P. Duarte Jr. Universidade Federal do Paraná




Consenso distribuído, Paxos, Algoritmos distribuídos


Distributed consensus algorithms are essential components of storage systems and databases, and have multiple other applications, such as in access control and orchestration of cloud applications. This paper presents the HyperPaxos algorithm, a hierarchical version of one of the most important consensus algorithms, Paxos. HyperPaxos is based on the vCube hierarchical virtual topology, which has several logarithmic properties. Acceptors are organized in clusters and proposers execute the two Paxos phases by choosing an acceptor that is responsible for relaying the messages to the other acceptors across the vCube. Broadcast starts from the largest cluster to the smallest, returning to the proposer as soon as a majority is reached. HyperPaxos was implemented as the libHyperPaxos library. Results obtained highlight the performance of libHyperPaxos, which surpasses libPaxos and, in some cases, the implementation of U-Ring Paxos in decisions per second.


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How to Cite

Pereira, D. R., Kiotheka, F. M., & Duarte Jr., E. P. (2023). HyperPaxos in Multiple Instances over LibPaxos: A Hierarchical Version of the Paxos Consensus Algorithm. Eletronic Journal of Undergraduate Research on Computing, 21(2), 11–20. https://doi.org/10.5753/reic.2023.3427