Winning strategies for convexity games on graphs


  • João Brito UFC
  • Rudini Sampaio UFC



In 1981, the first paper on graph convexity was published. Three years later, in 1984, one of its authors, Frank Harary, introduced the first convexity games. Despite having been created a long time ago, the last research on convexity games dated back to 2003, with few significant results due to their difficulty. In this work, we use the Sprague-Grundy Theory to solve these games in special graphs, such as trees. Furthermore, we proved that one of these games is PSPACE-hard, which puts it one level of computational complexity above NP-hard problems.


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How to Cite

Brito, J., & Sampaio, R. (2024). Winning strategies for convexity games on graphs. Eletronic Journal of Undergraduate Research on Computing, 22(1), 11–20.



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