Investigating Developer Engagement in Software Ecosystem Portals


  • Thiago Parracho UNIRIO
  • Rodrigo Zacarias UNIRIO
  • Rodrigo Santos UNIRIO



Software Ecosystems (SECO) portals are web interfaces that allow a developer to participate in an ecosystem. Improving developer engagement is an important concern to maintain a sustainable SECO in the market over time. Barriers faced during interaction with a SECO portal make engagement difficult and can cause developers to abandon the portal and, consequently, the ecosystem. This work investigates factors that affect developer engagement on SECO portals, with a focus on official documentation and open source and hybrid SECO. Two case studies, a survey research and a field study with developers were carried out and mixed methods were used for data analysis. At the end, 21 factors that affect engagement were identified based on results of the studies. This work aims to support the engagement of developers in SECO portals and make suggestions for improving them based on the participants’ reports, contributing to a greater satisfaction in DX.


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How to Cite

Parracho, T., Zacarias, R., & Santos, R. (2024). Investigating Developer Engagement in Software Ecosystem Portals. Eletronic Journal of Undergraduate Research on Computing, 22(1), 41–50.



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