Jogos Colaborativos de Multidão Explorando Técnicas de Sensoriamento Participativo e Simulação Inteligente de Vida Artificial
Collaborative Crowd Games Exploring Participatory sensing and Intelligent Artificial Life Simulation Techniques
jogos colaborativos, eventos de entretenimento, computação móvel, sensoriamento participativo, computação de multidãoAbstract
Mobile devices have become an indispensable part of modern life. We investigated how such devices could be used to improve audience experience at entertainment events, and as a result, we proposed Cabo DIGuerra, a collaborative mobile game that uses motion sensors and microphones to provide interactivity between the audience and the show through a dispute that digitally simulates a tug-of-war. Bumbometer, an evolution of Cabo DIGuerra, was used in two case studies at large events in northern Brazil, with the results indicating the game’s and proposed technologies’ suitability. Furthermore, a prototype application was developed based on the findings of case studies with a Boidsbased artificial life system, Bumboids.
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