Artificially Human or Humanly Artificial?


  • Cristiano Maciel Federal University of Mato Grosso
  • Eunice Pereira dos Santos Nunes Federal University of Mato Grosso


3D Virtual Environment, Society 5.0, Artificial Intelligence


This article presents the thematic axis of the magazine that aligned Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the holding of the XL Congress of the Brazilian Computer Society (CSBC 2020), organized by the Institute of Computing of the Federal University of Mato Grosso, whose central theme was “Artificially Human or Humanly Artificial? Challenges for Society 5.0 ”. This is an urgent discussion in a society in which human beings and machines interact more and more, with their roles intertwined. Due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, SBC events had to adapt in the online format. In this context, we have the CSBC, which, for the first time, was held entirely online in 2020. It took place in a “3D Virtual Environment” whose three-dimensional scenario was built especially for the event, representing part of the UFMT campus, which favored social and scientific engagement.


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How to Cite

Maciel, C., & Nunes, E. P. dos S. (2020). Artificially Human or Humanly Artificial?. Brazil Computing, (43), 6–8. Retrieved from




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