Digital empowerment: differences in the lives of Brazilian blind people


  • José Antonio dos Santos Borges Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Angélica Fonseca da Silva Dias Federal University of Rio de Janeiro



Assistive Technology, Dosvox, Computing for the Blind


This text shows how computer technology was able to empower an immense amount of blind people in Brazil, through tools created in the country, which brought them the possibility of information and communication, which are the keys to their citizenship.


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Author Biography

Angélica Fonseca da Silva Dias, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Angélica Fonseca da Silva Dias has a PhD in Computer Science from PPGI/UFRJ. MBA from Coppead/UFRJ. She is currently Director of Instituto Tércio Pacitti-NCE / UFRJ. Collaborating professor at UFRJ. Since 2013, she has been the Coordinator of Inclusive Education and Technology Projects at MEC. She is a member of the Special Committee on Collaborative Systems (CESC/SBC). Member of the Advisory Board of the Corporate University of Education – UniverSeeduc/RJ. She is interested in the areas of IHC, CSCW, IHD, Green Computing-ODS / Agenda 2030 Accessibility and Assistive Technologies, Social Computing and Educational Technologies. Mother of two beautiful daughters.


Jannuzzi, G.M. – A educação do deficiente no Brasil – dos primórdios ao início do século XXI – Ed. Autores Associados, São Paulo, 2004.

Borges, J.A.- Do Braille ao DOSVOX – diferenças nas vidas dos cegos brasileiros – Tese de Doutorado – COPPE /UFRJ - Rio de Janeiro - 2009.

Braille, L. - Procédé pour écrire les paroles, la musique et le plain-chant au moyen de points – France – 1829.

Lemos, E. R. José Álvares de Azevedo: Patrono da Educação dos cegos no Brasil-Revista Benjamin Constant – Rio de Janeiro – 2003.

Borges, J.A e Borges, P.P – Matemática para alunos cegos – Revista Ciência Hoje, ed. Novembro/2018

Dias, Angelica F. S.; Lima, Bruna; França, Juliana B. S.; Borges, Marcos R.S.; Borges, Antonio S. eMOC: Ferramenta Para o Mapeamento Através da Observação do Comportamento de Alunos Cegos na Sala de Aula. VII Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (CBIE 2018).



How to Cite

Borges, J. A. dos S., & Dias, A. F. da S. (2022). Digital empowerment: differences in the lives of Brazilian blind people. Brazil Computing, (48), 22–25.


