Process Mining for Healthcare Support: Clinical and Management Perspective


  • Márcia Ito São Paulo College of Technology
  • Deborah Ribeiro Carvalho Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná
  • Claudia Moro Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná



Health Management, Compliance, Clinical Pathway, Process Mining


Although the first applications of process mining were not in healthcare, it soon became clear the potential of using this technique in the area. Process mining is applied in different situations, including hospital administration, medication management, clinical care, and follow-up of patients' trajectories. Monitoring chronic patients and checking compliance have been widely evaluated with support from the process mining. On the other hand, as in every area, there are challenges for applying process mining techniques in healthcare, with an emphasis on data collection, access, and preparation. However, none of these matters if researchers do not consider the benefit or support that the application of process mining can bring to healthcare, whether in managing services or treating and diagnosing patients.


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How to Cite

Ito, M., Carvalho, D. R., & Moro, C. (2023). Process Mining for Healthcare Support: Clinical and Management Perspective. Brazil Computing, (49), 25–28.




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