Designing Computer Architectures with a Practical and Systematic Teaching Approach
Teaching of Computer Architecture and Organization, Integration between Hardware and Software, Practical and Systemic ApproachAbstract
In the main national and international reference curricula for undergraduate studies in Computer Science and, particularly, in Computer Engineering, there is an emphasis on the importance of learning concepts related to Computer Architecture and Organization. This article presents an analysis of the results obtained from applying a teaching methodology for learning Computer Architecture and Organization within a modern and differentiated curriculum aimed at Computer Engineering education. This curriculum is grounded in and structured around a practical and systematic approach and aims, among other objectives, to reduce students' fragmented perspective in the development of a complex computational system. The teaching methodology applied in Computer Architecture and Organization has been meeting the needs of this new approach, providing student-centered learning and enabling the development of skills related to creative, innovative, and self-motivated thinking, going beyond the mere reproduction or verification of experiments.
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