Technologies and methods assisting deafblind communication - a bibliographic review


  • Patricia Felippe Amorim ISERJ-FAETEC UNIRIO
  • Priscyla G. F. Barbosa UNIRIO
  • Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira UNIRIO
  • Humberto S. Pacheco UNIRIO
  • Aline da Silva Alves UNIRIO



Accessibility, Multiple disabilities, deafblindness, Technologies


This article presents the results of a first analysis of a bibliographical research that explores the approaches of the works already carried out in the theme of multiple deficiencies focused on people with deafblindness. In order to identify the technologies, languages and device types used in deafblind communication, somehow help their education. Preliminary results shows that papers used as main language to establish communication, braile and its derivations: bodybraile, fingerbraile, and a predominance of resources for bidirectional communication in the interaction of deafblind individuals. Few papers have explored methods or resources for learning. 


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How to Cite

Amorim, P. F., Barbosa, P. G. F., Ferreira, S. B. L., Pacheco, H. S., & Alves, A. da S. (2018). Technologies and methods assisting deafblind communication - a bibliographic review. ISys - Brazilian Journal of Information Systems, 11(1), 55–71.



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