Catalog and a Guide web analysts in building government websites for understanding graphic information for blind citizens in the light of information transparency
Accessibility, Graphics information understanbility, TransparencyAbstract
A variety of information and services are disseminated on the web, enabling citizens to become aware. But with the advancement of the internet and the need for information transparency, many organizations still do not care about the information provided in the form of graphics so that certain groups of citizens can understand them, such as the blind. The objective of this work is to identify the main difficulties related to the comprehension of graphic information in governmental sites for the blind. In order to reach the proposed objective, an evaluation was carried out with blind volunteers performing tasks on bar, line and pizza type graphs in governmental sites and as contribution two artifacts were proposed: a catalog of understanding of the graphic information for blind citizens and a guide on how to use this catalog to guide the professionals involved in publishing graphic information to make them intelligible to these citizens. The validation of these products was carried out by analysts with experience in developing accessible websites.
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