Functional High-fidelity Prototype of a Student Meal Scheduling and Cafeteria Assistance System




Progressive-web-app, Management system, Information system, Meal booking software


At the Federal Institute of Bahia - Campus Seabra, many students request school meals via a form on Google Forms, the platform on which the Cafeteria depends to monitor requests, experiencing difficulty with manual processes and non-targeted functionalities. Thus, the objective of this work was the creation of a prototype to assist these demands and implement autonomy of the school. To do this, these steps were taken: define the app’s requirements and elements; technical training; building and testing, and professional validation. It was built a functional and intuitive high-fidelity system, ensuring a more comprehensive user experience and turning into reality a new solution for the Cafeteria’s meal requests.


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Author Biographies

Gregório Cândido dos Santos Valadares de Almeida, Bahia Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology - Seabra campus

Computer Technician, scholarship holder of research and extension projects at the Federal Institute of Bahia - Seabra Campus, with experience in Front-end and Back-end Programming with PHP, HTML, SQL languages, among other resources. Co-founder and co-developer of the FIBA Seabra Student Meal Scheduling and Cafeteria Assistance System.

Monck Charles Nunes de Albuquerque, Bahia Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology - Seabra campus

Currently EBTT Professor at the Federal Institute of Bahia IFBA, Coordinator of the Computer Technician course at the Seabra Campus. Teacher and coordinator of the Technical Computer Science course at the Ceará Institute for Technological Education (CENTEC). Scholarship holder/CAPES teacher on the Computer Science Degree course at UECE/UAB. Has a degree in Systems Analysis and Development from the Estácio University Center (2013), a postgraduate degree in Project Management from the State University of Ceará (UECE) and a Master's degree in Computer Science from the Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Ceará (IFCE). Also spent 9 years of professional development in the IT sector and 5 years managing the administrative and financial affairs of a Technical Assistance Work Cooperative in Ceará.

Nataly de Souza Cunha, Bahia Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology - Seabra campus

Computer Technician, scholarship holder in two extension projects in the area of Exact and Earth Sciences at the Federal Institute of Bahia - Seabra Campus, with experience in Back-end Programming with PHP, HTML, SQL languages, among other resources. Co-founder and co-developer of the IFBA Seabra Student Meal Scheduling and Cafeteria Assistance System.


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How to Cite

dos Santos Valadares de Almeida, G. C., Charles Nunes de Albuquerque, M., & de Souza Cunha, N. (2024). Functional High-fidelity Prototype of a Student Meal Scheduling and Cafeteria Assistance System. ISys - Brazilian Journal of Information Systems, 17(1), 15:1 – 15:22.



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