Implementation of Fairness Measures: Systems-of-Systems Governance: A Systematic Mapping of the Literature




Governance, Systems-of-Systems, Systematic Mapping


Systems-of-Systems (SoS) Governance refers to the structure, processes and policies established to manage and coordinate a set of interconnected systems that work together to achieve common goals. Due to the nature of both areas (Governance and SoS), and the possible inherent interaction between them, it is assumed that there are benefits arising from the application of governance principles in SoS. In this sense, the main contribution of this article is the presentation of the results of a systematic mapping that illustrates this application. For this purpose, a protocol was used that prescribes the automatic search in six databases that returned 804 studies, of which 40 were included for analysis, the results of which show that (i) Governance in SoS is a concept already defined in the literature, and helps to ensure that the constituent systems are integrated effectively, and that the SoS as a whole achieves its objectives, (ii) only 14 of the 40 (35%) included studies show the application of Governance in SoS in practice, which shows a difficulty in institutionalizing governance principles in SoS scenarios, which could be research material, (iii) none of the studies included shows how to evaluate the use of governance in SoS.


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Author Biographies

Edison Andrade Martins Morais, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Systems Analyst at the Court of the State of Goiás and Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Informatics (INF) at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). He is a doctoral student and has a master's degree in Computer Science from UFG. He has an MBA in Governance in Information Technologies from IPOG, specialization in Information Systems Analysis and Design from UFG. Main area of ​​interest: Information Systems, IT Management, IT Governance, IT Service Management, Business Process Management, IT Contract Management, Software Engineering, Software Quality, Information Systems Analysis and Design and Database.

Eliomar Araújo de Lima, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Graduated in Computer Science from PUC-GO. PhD in Electrical Engineering from UnB. Master in Business Management from ISCTE Business School. Specialist in Project Management from FGV, Telecommunications from UFG and Specialist in Classroom Management from Unidesc. Adjunct Professor, currently Director of the UFG Institute of Informatics. He was IT Director in Public Organizations for over 15 years and has been providing Technical Consulting in Digital Transformation and IT for over 20 years. He is a researcher in the areas of Systems Engineering, Business Intelligence, Web 3.0 and Engineering of intelligent and multifunctional systems, Digital Trust and organizational design.

Valdemar Vicente Graciano-Neto, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Informatics (INF) at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). PhD by Double Degree, degree in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics from the Institute of Mathematical and Computing Sciences of the University of São Paulo (ICMC-USP) and in Information Sciences and Technology, Informatics modality, from the University of Brittany South, France. Effective member of the Postgraduate Program in Computer Science at UFG, being a master's and doctorate advisor. The professor has experience in Software Engineering and Information Systems, with an emphasis on Software Development and Architecture, and specific knowledge in Model-Based Software Engineering, Systems-of-Systems, Smart Cities and Information Systems Software Engineering.


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How to Cite

Andrade Martins Morais, E., Araújo de Lima, E., & Vicente Graciano-Neto, V. (2024). Implementation of Fairness Measures: Systems-of-Systems Governance: A Systematic Mapping of the Literature. ISys - Brazilian Journal of Information Systems, 17(1), 17:1 – 17:44.



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