An investigation of usability issues in the Administrative Process Management Software of the Federal Government of Brazil


  • Sinval Ferreira Resende Júnior Universidade de Brasília
  • Leticia Lopes Leite Universidade de Brasília



E-government, Electronic information system, Usability, System usability scale, Heuristic evaluation


The Electronic Information System (SEI) proposes greater efficiency for the creation and processing of documents and administrative processes in a digital format. However, the literature points to several usability problems in the system. This work investigated the usability of the SEI, raising demographic questions and using as instruments the System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire, with the participation of 104 users, and a heuristic evaluation, which identified 99 potential usability problems. The results suggest the need for optimization and improvements to the SEI to improve the efficiency of use and the satisfaction of people who interact with the system.


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How to Cite

Ferreira Resende Júnior, S., & Lopes Leite, L. (2024). An investigation of usability issues in the Administrative Process Management Software of the Federal Government of Brazil. ISys - Brazilian Journal of Information Systems, 17(1), 6:1 – 6:39.



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